This is a place where we share what Gateway has been up to, letting the whole church know of activities and aspects of church life including wider outreach and initiatives that you may not always get to witness or hear about. We want to encourage everyone with all the good and exciting projects we are part of and give space to look back, reflect on and thank God and others in our church community who serve in the local area, the city or further afield.
We have a close partnership with KidzKlub Leeds and over the Christmas period many folk in Gateway contributed to their annual Christmas Hamper Appeal – THANK YOU so much if you made a donation and supported this project which blessed so many families in Leeds. See a letter from KidzKlub here… Hamper Thank you letter Jan 22pdf of thanks with some photos attached.
- We want to say a massive THANK YOU to all our wonderful volunteers… Adriana / Lorraine / Lesley / Emma / Cherry / Hannah who help out run our Community Cafe each week on Tuesday’s at St Mark’s between 10am-1pm and to Esther Davy & Amy Sprenger who lead the team. We are so grateful that the cafe is continuing to bless our Church family and the local community.
- We are blessed with many brilliant young people in Gateway and we are so encouraged by those who are stepping out and helping lead our Gatherings. THANK YOU to Jonah, Mark & Joshua who prepared and delivered a message during the Central Cluster Gathering the other week.
If you have an encouragement, a story, a testimony of something in church life or someone you want to thank publicly in this way please emailĀ