What we've been up to!
Here are a number of encouraging stories from Gateway’s activities over the summer… At the end of July Chris and Lesley Wall represented Gateway by heading up a craft stall at the Little London Fun Day – it was very wet weather on the day but they still managed to connect with many local families. Over the summer weeks we met all-together as one gathering on a Sunday; it was great to have a different mix of people each week and be able to connect with those from different gatherings. We were blessed by some excellent preaching as the 1 Timothy series came to a conclusion, it was also lovely having more social and fun time particularly coming together in the park for our picnic week. Thank you to all those who stepped up by leading and serving over the summer.
The St Mark’s Grounds team have been busy over the summer making good process with the path and nature trail – with the grant money they have been able to buy a good number of quality tools and equipment to further this work.
Our three Make Lunch sessions over the summer were so well organised by Bethan and her team of volunteers – we saw 55 adults and children welcomed and fed and then were able to give the left over meals to the homeless so nothing went to waste.
Hannah and the youth team took a group of young people to Newday and they all had a brilliant time of fun, being filled with the holy spirit and seeing healings – Praise God!