What we've been up to!
There has been so much to thank God for over the last couple weeks...
At the end of September there was a special Baptism Sunday where we celebrated with two of our young people Rufus and Asher plus a new to Gateway lady Tanujja as they gave this public sign showing that they have chosen to follow Jesus. It was great to join our brothers and sisters across Leeds at the Citywide prayer Gathering at North church; a number of Gateway folk were represented and joined to pray for God's Kingdom to come through practical means and for salvation of individuals in the city and beyond.
The recent All Age Gathering was great! through the interactive message given by Amy and Sam there was so much involvement from kids and adults engaging together plus we were treated to a dance performance from Members of Strings of Life Church giving us a flavour of their worship.
We hosted the Christ Central prayer day at the beginning of October which is a termly key strategic gathering for all ChristCentral church leaders in the UK. Thank you to all those who served on the day to make this such a smooth event. We have a good number of bookings coming in at the moment, helping Gateway’s finances, and particularly last week a really successful NHS event took place and we thank God for these growing business relationships.