What we've been up to!
We have recently been receiving many more enquiries regarding booking out the building and have been able to hire out the different spaces for weddings and meetings including a repeated booking with the NHS – this is such an encouragement and answer to prayer as God continue to provide for our financial needs as a church. The Grounds team had a productive afternoon at the end of May with Ciaran leading the session with grass being strimmed and mown, compost turned and a general clearing effort made in the area outside the building. The all-age gathering at the beginning of June was led so well by Hannah as she gave an interactive gospel message for all ages and then we headed together to Hyde Park for a sunny picnic and time to hang out as a family.
We were also really blessed the other Sunday by three different sermon messages as Pippa, Joy and Anthony gave us such a beautiful insight into various scriptures with so much diversity in preaching styles. Chris had a fantastic time in Darlington at the end of May where he was speaking to the church there and preparing ahead of the Devoted Leader’s Conference. It has been a JOY to read the responses given from our latest Community Café survey, with many voicing how they value this midweek service we offer to the community and praising how inclusive, welcoming, affordable and safe this space is.
“The cafe has been a life saver. Don't know where else I would have got help.”
A massive thank you to Esther and the whole café team who serve every week.
This is a place where we hope to share what we have been up to in Gateway, to let the whole church know of activities and aspects of church life including wider outreach and initiatives that you may not always get to witness or hear about. We want to encourage everyone with all the good and exciting projects we are part of and give space to look back, reflect on and thank God and others in our church community who serve in the local area, the city or further afield.
If you have something to share please email it in to sarah.woodger@gatewayleeds.net