Voices Voices Everywhere!
Sculpture by Thomas J. Price at Yorkshire Sculpture Park / Photo by L. Davy
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, And all these things will be given to you as well.
Matthew 6:32-34
When I visited the Yorkshire Sculpture Park earlier this year, I saw a sculpture of a man holding a mobile phone. Looking at that sculpture reminded me that in the past, I had used a bible reading app on my phone. It had been great to be able to listen to the word of God as well as read it. As weeks went by, I found myself increasingly being distracted by other stuff on my phone when using the app. I would find that 30 minutes or more had gone and I had not finished or even started my devotional for that day. I realised that I wasn’t seeking first his kingdom. I was allowing myself to be distracted by my phone. This was sometimes leading to unnecessary anxiety. I have now invested in a journal paper bible.
There will always be many distractions as we continue to ‘seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness’. Some folks are more disciplined than others, and God is gracious to all. My answer to that phone distraction was to stop using it for my daily devotional. Others may find a different way.
Jesus longs to spend time with us, his precious children. Do whatever works for you so you are seeking first his kingdom and his righteousness above all. I’m so grateful for his patience with me over the years as I’ve battled various distractions!
Here is a Contemporary Psalm about life today….
Voices voices at my door!
What a lot to think
Instagram, TikTok, Facebook too
What on earth is all this for?
Voices voices everywhere!
What a lot to think
Drink this! drink that! you'll soon be thin
Different socials fill the air.
Voices voices fill my mind!
What a lot to think
My phone will fill with google news
So that I am not behind.
Voices voices go away!
I’m coming for a drink
My father calls me to his side
Spending time with him today.
And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he REWARDS those who earnestly seek him.
Hebrews 11:6