What we've been up to!

Reflecting back on the Christmas season and all the events that took place…


Our Woodhouse Winter Wonderland was such a joyful time again – we thank God for always bringing so many of the local community who embrace this event and also how so many of our church family support it. A wonderful picture of the body coming together using their different gifts to serve others and reach our community with the gospel.

Our Carol Service brought so much peace and beauty in a time of busyness as the church looked and sounded gorgeous with such a fab choir and through the warmth and joy of Chris’ message – thank you to all those who served on the evening and beforehand.


We also had such a beautiful evening just before Christmas with all our Women for some fun, fellowship and worship and a special time of meditation led by Jo Frost.


Our annual Christmas Day short gathering welcomed over 130 people with lots of families and kids joining in.


Gateway staff enjoyed a Christmas evening letting their hair down with some food, shuffle board and Karaoke together!


David Cole attended the - Jubilee Plus “Weightier Matters” course with Esther Bissell and Amie Sinclair, where they were grappling with theology and the practicalities of how we bring mercy and seek justice for those facing poverty.



This is a place where we hope to share what we have been up to in Gateway, to let the whole church know of activities and aspects of church life including wider outreach and initiatives that you may not always get to witness or hear about. We want to encourage everyone with all the good and exciting projects we are part of and give space to look back, reflect on and thank God and others in our church community who serve in the local area, the city or further afield.

If you have something to share please email it in to sarah.woodger@gatewayleeds.net


What we've been up to!


Voices Voices Everywhere!