What we've been up to!

Catching up on some highlights from our recent events and aspects of church life.


The Half Night of Prayer was a jam packed evening with a good number of Gateway present throughout to pray and meet God together. A special thankyou to our youth band for kicking the evening off in praise and worship.


It was good during our All Nations Sunday to take time to recognise and celebrate the wonderful diversity that makes up Gateway. Chris Frost shared about Gateway's connections in different parts of the world and we had a number of people dressing in clothing that celebrates where they're from as well as praying in different languages.


Work has started in preparation for the vestry refurb with the big job of rearranging furniture and resources around the building to enable us to empty the vestry. David Watkis has agreed to lead our vestry renovation project, using funds from the grant we were given.


It has been great to have Katie Howell leading our Community Cafe since the beginning of the year, she has introduced some delicious new items to the lunch menu and Amy and Natalie have been connecting with our local families by providing additional activities including stories, crafts and sensory play as part of the morning.


This is a place where we hope to share what we have been up to in Gateway, to let the whole church know of activities and aspects of church life including wider outreach and initiatives that you may not always get to witness or hear about. We want to encourage everyone with all the good and exciting projects we are part of and give space to look back, reflect on and thank God and others in our church community who serve in the local area, the city or further afield.

If you have something to share please email it in to sarah.woodger@gatewayleeds.net


What we've been up to!


What we've been up to!