Looking back to all our Christmas events at the end of 2022 we want to praise God particularly for all the guests welcomed into our church.
- We had a great turn out for the Winter Wonderland with many local families enjoying this fun filled event – a BIG thank you to the super organised and talented Pip Ridgeway for heading it up this year and to the whole team that served on the day!
- We saw around 100 guests at our Carol Concert with many returning from previous years – well done to Chris for bringing the gospel message to so many and for our brilliant all-aged choir led by Sam.
- Another well done to those of the choir who braved a cold evening on the streets singing carols in the lead up to the concert.
- We also had a big turnout for our Christmas Day gathering including a number of guests and local folk – a BIG thank you to Nick and Lizzy who hosted this family time and brought the fun.
- Also, over Christmas time we managed to put together and give out 12 hampers to Gateway families and 11 hampers to KidzKlub Leeds to bless families in some of the most deprived communities in Leeds.
Chris Frost is continuing to host school visits at St Mark’s and last week gave a virtual church visit with around 100 pupils from Low Road Primary School in Hunslet – If you know of a school that would like an in person or virtual visit, please email chris.frost@gatewayleeds.net
Well done for those who are continuing to persevere in prayer with our Ukrainian friends – there are some very encouraging reports of the church there tripling in size and having to extend their building – Praise God!
It was great to start the year with an extended time in worship together lead by the band and be back in fellowship with others in our gatherings to encourage and spur each other on.